Special Acknowledgements and Heartfelt Thanks
Most Reverend Archbishop Charles Daniel Balvo, Apostolic Nuncio of NZ – Main celebrant for Senor Santo Nino fiesta mass
Bishop Patrick Dunn DD, Bishop of Auckland–for shepherding us under the Catholic Diocese of Auckland
Msgr Bernard Kiely – Administrator of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Diocese of Auckland
Father Roberto Ruben Elago MSP, Chaplain of the Auckland Catholic Filipino Chaplaincy – for his untiring support in monthly Novena & Mass to Senor Santo Nino throughout 2011
Fr Paul Farmer and the St Benedict’s Parish – in support of our weekly gathering for novena to Senor Santo Nino every 6:30pm (with mass on every 3rd Friday of each month); monthly meetings; for our devotions to the Sacred heart of Jesus every 1st Friday of the month; prayer meeting & fellowship every Friday night with the Voice of God Catholic Charismatic Group at St Benedict’s church, Newton.
Father Joseph Parkinson OP & Fr Chris Loughlan OP – for masses celebrated every 1st Friday of the month in devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus & Wednesday masses in honour of Our Mother of Perpetual Help all throughout the year (every 7:30pm) at St Benedict’s church.
Ken Eades and Good Shepherd Parish – support in the 9-days novena
Team Leaders of NZ-Filipino Senor Santo Nino Devotees Focus Groups:
Miriam A Batucan – Chairperson
Oscar P Batucan JP- Logistics, Promotions &Fundraising
Mary Anne Brannan – Administration
Joyce Gesta – Finance
Roland Abadingo – Graphic Design & Advertising
Chichi Abadingo– Communications; Website Administration; Liturgy Committee; contributing writer quarterly newletter
Ado Flores – Cultural Committee; contributing writer quarterly newletter
Cherry Thelmo-Fernandez – Media Releases & Publicity; contributing writer quarterly newletter
Joy Caballero – Public Relations
Boboy Caballero & Team – Set up & restoration for church & hall; Coordinator – Karo bearers
Alex Andales & Milford Santo Nino Group –Technical support & transport
Villamor Family (Romy, Allen & Giselle) & Paderanga Sisters – 9 days Novena flowers & flower arrangements & sign posting
Junn & Whelma Saldua – Candle supply; support team & sign posting
Alfred & Merced Belleza & Saldua Family – Support Team; candle supply
Junn & Ruby Pascual – support Team – Procession
Jess Enoncillo – Church and Hall Decorations and Props
Marivic Villaraza, Ric Hidalgo, Dra Allen Villamor – Collection counter
North Shore Events Centre preparations:
Ado Flores and Family; Boboy Caballero Family and Team; Abadingo Family; Alex Andales & Family; Ganzan Brothers & Family; Cuevas Family; Jess Enoncillo; Edgar Castaneda (sounds) and the many people who have helped in many, many ways.
Oscar & Miriam Batucan and Family, Mary Anne & Peter Brannan & Family.
Karo decorations & Hall decorations *Jess Enoncillo *Fritzi Anne & Romy Udanga *Dadai Norman
Special thanks to the Hermanos\Hermanas, all area Coordinators promoting the Devotions to Senor Santo Nino thru Weekly House to House Pilgrimage of Senor Santo:
2011 Hermanos & Hermanas
Kriez & Tetet Cuevas (North & West Auckland & Milford Area); Willie & Lorna Gayatin (Central, East and South Auckland).
Area Coordinators
Milford Area = Alex & Carmela Andales
Palmerston North = Mary Ann Bitoon & Family
Central Auckland = Roland & Chichi Abadingo
Eastern Auckland & Howick areas = Edgar & Maves Fiel
Inner-West Auckland = Boboy & Joy Caballero
Wider part of West Auckland = Alfred & Merced Belleza
Papakura & Pukekohe= Judith Hastings & Family
Waiuku, Port Waikato & Bombay = Mrs Ging Neil & Family
Manurewa and Takanini & parts of South Auckland = Gayatin Family
The New Hermano’s & Hermana’s for 2012
Emerson & Bernadette Nufable – to cover North & Central Auckland
Hernan & Ching Mandawe– to cover West & South Auckland
Auckland Catholic Filipino Chaplaincy
Chairperson – Ma Consuelo del Castillo
Carmen Shaw – Ministers of the Eucharist; daily altar preparations; altar servers
Liturgy Committee for 9-days Novena & Fiesta Mass:
Priest support during 9-days Novena: Fr Ruben Elago; Fr Ralph Barcelo; Fr Mario Dorado; Fr Sam Pulanco; Fr Carlo Cruz; Fr Larrie Rustia
Jeanne Colle-provide music support to the Sto Nino monthly novena masses, First Friday novena-mass devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Wednesday devotions to Mother of Perpetual Help at St Benedict’s
Fiesta Organisers and their families. Contacts for weekly Novena & devotions to Senor Santo Nino
Oscar & Miriam Batucan 570 1139
Mary Ann Brannan 836 0408
Roland & Chichi Abadingo 575 6343
Bebeth Cutten 480 1972
Alfred & Merced Belleza 813 3947
Amador & Joyce Gesta 525 2229
Ado & Belinda Flores 488 0047
Annie Paderanga 815 7394
Jun & Whelma Saldua 624 2393
Ric Hidalgo & Marivic Villaraza 298 0518
Boboy & Joy Caballero 828 0008
Alex & Carmela Andales 486 0014
Allan & Nancy Pedrera 813 6383
Romy & Allen Villamor 845 0004
Mila Rigby and Prescilla Suerto
The Pilgrim Sponsors and choir groups during the 9-days novena & Fiesta Mass
Commentator, Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Altar Servers, Collectors, Communion Guides, Sentinels, and Mass Offerors
Combined Choir: Voice of God (Tinig Ng Panginoon) & Laetare Children’s Choir
Santo Nino Liturgical Dancers coming from different Filipino communities
Rada Perdido & Alyx Ty – choreographers (Liturgical dance and production)
Various Committees\Tasks
Waray Team – Mass collections
Oggie & May Cruz and Team – Communion guides
Alpha Phi Omega – Security & Parking wardens
Auckland Pinoys (c\o- Jun Dolon) – Ushers\ Usherettes
Videography – /c/o Ian Hight, Ian Spencer Tabada and Sally Montederamos
Pinoy NZ Photography Group – who covered the 9-days Novena & Fiesta
Alex Briones, Jerome Castro, Conrad Delvo, Dan Dijamco, Vincent Palma Gil, Christian Leano, Michael Kevin Marañon, Kerwin Papa Maruzzo, Jet Morales, Francis Resulta, James Paul Villanueva, John Vincent Villanueva, Mary Christine Villanueva, Arnold Viray
Cultural Program and Production
Chairman & Emcee Ado Flores
Stage coordinators and Production Assistants
Individuals and Groups in the Production and Cultural presentations together with their respective choreographers
Technical Support – Alex Andales and Roland Abadingo
Trustees and various working committees of the NZ-Filipino Devotees of Senor Sto Nino Trust aka Sinulog NZ who have organized the activities surrounding the 9-days Novena and the fiesta of Senor Santo Nino from the planning and preparation stage to the actual execution and those involved in all behind-the scene tasks
To those who joined in our quarterly Events: Mothers’s Day in May, Fathers’ Day in September and the Empower Youth Event in November, especially to the Fathers and Mothers who were nominated and given tribute for their special gifts they shared with family and community and to the youth panel speakers.
To all our Brothers and Sisters who have always contributed time, effort and financial assistance and supported us in all our activities, thank you very much. We pray for the continued blessing of our Patron Senor Sto Nino on you and your loved ones for your generosity.
We have tried to make our list as exhaustive as we can. We offer our most sincere apologies to any individual contributor or groups we may have failed to include in the list. There are lots and lots of generous people who have offered help in many, many ways. The Lord will bless you mightily for your generosity, goodness and kindness of heart
Thank you all for celebrating the Fiesta with us.
See you at the 19 Fiesta celebration in 2013.
Proudly supported by our major sponsors