Given the significance of the 500th anniversary of the arrival of the image of Santo Niño in Cebu, the devotees in New Zealand will launch quincentennial celebrations from January 2022. Keep an eye on this space for upcoming updates on plans.
NZ-Filipino Devotees of Senyor Sto Niño
Given the significance of the 500th anniversary of the arrival of the image of Santo Niño in Cebu, the devotees in New Zealand will launch quincentennial celebrations from January 2022. Keep an eye on this space for upcoming updates on plans.
Oh Heavenly Father, grant that – Our feet may walk together, Our hands may gather together, Our hearts may beat together, Our innermost feelings may feel together, Our mind’s thoughts may be one, Our ears may listen together to God’s silence, Our eyes may look at one another in unity. Let our lips pray together for mercy to the Eternal Father. Amen
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From: Roque Sent: Monday, 21 January 2013 Hi, It was our own humble way of offering and expressing our gratitude to the Holy Child. A big thank you to you Merced and the other organizers for giving us the opportunity to offer our thanks to Him the way we did in our grand celebration. May the Holy Child bless all our endeavours for His greater glory. Roque
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