To our Devoted and Very Kind-hearted Benefactors

It is with profound gratitude and very humbling to receive your support for our Santo Nino souvenir program every year in support of the Santo Nino Fiesta Celebrations.

It has been 19 years since we started our first magazine. I cannot find words on how to express our sincere appreciation.

I know that Santo Nino will shower you and your beloved family with Abundant Blessings, Good Health and Protection from all harm and danger.

Once again, Thank You.

Viva, Viva, Senyor Santo Nino!!!!!!

With all our love and prayers,


Oscar and Miriam Batucan

228 Penrose Road Mt Wellington

Auckland 1060

Oscar Mob # 027 570 1139; Miriam # 0274 875 428 Landline PH # 09 570 1139