Life in the Spirit Seminar Invitation


To ALL ardent devotees of Senor Santo Nino,

If you have not been to a Life in the Spirit, come and learn about.

If you have been to one, come, be refreshed and learn more about it.

I promise you that you will never regret setting aside the weekend.

We have invited a team of very gifted speakers from the Philippines.

Let us not let this opportunity pass by. Let us know more about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we received in Baptism and Confirmation
And how we can make it work better in our life when building a personal relationship with Jesus, our beloved Santo Nino.

Receive the Power of the Holy Spirit!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God bless us all

Tito Oscar and Tita Miriam


Saturday April 23 & Sunday April 24, 2016


Liston Hall, St Patrick’s Cathedral

Wyndham St Auckland New Zealand


9am – 4pm

Contact persons:

Cecile & Bernie 021 033 2583

Lotlot +64 211 747 540

Rudi 021 149 9494

Elsa & Darius 027 771 1556

Annie 09 620 5294

Shanelle 021 162 5963

Nes 022 423 1771

Greta 022 187 4428

David 022 015 7029

Kim 022 108 1593

Oggie & May 021 042 6936

Jett & Tintin 021 198 4488

Oscar & Miriam 027 570 1139